
Fellows / PDRAs

Aston University

Philip Kitchen

Dr Philip Kitchen

Research Fellow

Life and Health Sciences
Aston University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

blood-brain barrier, astrocytes, aquaporins, fluid transport, water

Barts Cancer Institute

Remi Samain

Dr Remi Samain

Postdoctoral researcher

Barts Cancer Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 6710

Cancer, Metastasis, Contractility

Elly Tyler

Dr Elly Tyler

Barts Cancer Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Breast cancer, Tumour microenvironment, Immunotherapy, Extracellular matrix, Glycobiology

Blizard Institute, QMUL

Abigail Coetzee

Dr Abigail Coetzee

Blizard Institute, QMUL
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cancer, Metastasis, Invasion, Cancer Stem Cells

Cardiff University

Alaa Elbetany

Dr Alaa Elbetany

Research Fellow

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

organic and polymer chemistry, Biomaterials, Chronic wounds, Infectious diseases

Naledi Formosa

Dr Naledi Formosa

School of Medicine
Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Organ-on-chip, Cancer, Tumour modelling, Drug screening, Tissue Engineering, Stem cells

Sophie Gilbert

Dr Sophie Gilbert

Research Associate

Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
029 2087 4287

cartilage, bone, post-traumatic osteoarthritis, PKR, mechanobiology, cartilage repair

Anika Offergeld

Dr Anika Offergeld


Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
029 2087 9303

liver, cancer, organoid, stem cells, wnt signalling

Coventry University

Mark Turner

Dr Mark Turner

Research Fellow in Endocrinology and Metabolism

Centre for Sport, Exercise and Life Sciences
Coventry University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Skeletal Muscle, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, NAFLD, Glucose Homeostasis, Lipid Metabolism

Edinburgh Napier University

Emma Betts

Dr Emma Betts

Postdoctoral Researcher

School of Applied Sciences
Edinburgh Napier University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Parasitology, Symbiosis, Apicomplexa

Katherine Staines

Dr Katherine Staines

School of Applied Sciences
Edinburgh Napier University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0131 455 3369

Bone, Cartilage, Osteoarthritis


Vivek Thacker

Dr Vivek Thacker

HFSP Long-Term Fellow

Global Health Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Host-pathoen interactions, Live-cell microscopy, Alveolus-on-a-chip, Immunology, Tuberculosis

Foundation for Liver Research

Antonio Riva

Dr Antonio Riva

Institute of Hepatology
Foundation for Liver Research
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Immunology, Liver, Gut-liver axis, Microbiome

Francis Crick Institute

Lucy Collinson

Dr Lucy Collinson

Francis Crick Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Electron Microscopy, Light Microscopy, X-ray Microscopy, Cell Biology

Harefield Hospital Imperial college

Yuan-Tsan Tseng

Dr Yuan-Tsan Tseng


Harefield Hospital Imperial college
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

tissue engineering, heart valve, biomaterials, 3d printing

Hull York Medical School

Emily Pyne

Dr Emily Pyne

Teaching Fellow

Centre for Biomedicine
Hull York Medical School
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07486 866032

Breast cancer, Lab-on-a-chip, Early detection, Metastasis, Biomarkers, Multicellular spheroids

Imperial College London

Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala

Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Pharmacology, Vascular biology, Heart

Alexis Barr

Dr Alexis Barr

Cancer Research UK Career Development Fellow

Faculty of Medicine, MRC-LMS
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cell Cycle, Cell Biology, Single-cell imaging, Genome stability, Non-small cell lung cancer

Rachael Barry

Dr Rachael Barry

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Colon, Cancer, Hydrolases, Gut-on-a-chip, Activity-based probes, Biomarkers

Salime Bazban-Shotorbani

Dr. Salime Bazban-Shotorbani

Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Bioengineering Department
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bioengineering, Organ-on-a-chip, Microfluidics, Cancer Research, Nanomedicine

Marta Broto Aviles

Dr. Marta Broto Aviles

Postdoctoral research associate

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Michele Chiappi

Dr Michele Chiappi

Research Associate

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07719 945612

Nabil Hajji

Dr Nabil Hajji

Senior research fellow

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Brain Tumour, Epigenetics, Immunology, Metabolism, DNA damage, vasculature

Meysam Keshavarz

Dr Meysam Keshavarz

Research associate

The Hamlyn centre
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07752 161137

Biomaterials, nanomaterials, biosensing, Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), additive manufacturing

Pei Lai

Dr Pei Lai

Faculty of Medicine
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Uterus, Pregnancy, Parturition, Smooth muscle, Myometrium, Preterm birth

Daniel Lucy

Dr Daniel Lucy

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Proteomics, Cancer, Chemical probes

David Ma

Dr David Ma

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

gut on a chip

Nina Moderau

Dr Nina Moderau

Research Associate

Department of Surgery and Cancer
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 759 42120

Breast cancer, Heterogeneity, 3D model, Cancer evolution, Light sheet and multi-photon microscopy, primary tissue culture

Nicolas Moser

Dr Nicolas Moser

Research Associate

Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07516 510673

Point-of-Care diagnostics, CMOS Lab-on-Chip, Ion imaging, ISFET array

Megha Prakash Bangalore

Dr Megha Prakash Bangalore

Research Associate

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Embryonic stem cells and iPSCs, 3D model system, Metabolism, Organelles

Victoria Salem

Dr Victoria Salem

Senior Clinical Research Fellow

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07974 657714

islet biology, calcium imaging, diabetes and obesity, in vivo imaging

Tanveer Tabish

Dr Tanveer Tabish

Research Fellpw

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07478 775454

Graphene, Nanomedicine, Biophotonics, Photodynamic therapy, Free radical medicine

Sze Wing Tang

Dr. Sze Wing Tang

Research Associate

Imperial College London/ Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07541 208195

Cancer on a chip, Biomimetic, Extracellular matrix, Anti-microbial peptide

Maria Concetta Zarcone

Dr Maria Concetta Zarcone

Research associate

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lung, Asthma, remodelling

King's College London

Melissa Barber

Dr. Melissa Barber

Postdoctoral Researcher

Vascular Biology & Inflammation
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Human 3D BBB microfluidics model, Alzheimer's Disease, Ageing-related disease, Nutraceuticals, Neurovascular inflammation, Bioprinting

Eileen Gentleman

Dr Eileen Gentleman

Research Fellow

Centre for Craniofacial and Regenerative Biology
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7188 7388

Regenerative medicine, Stem Cells, Hydrogels, Biomaterials

Dominique Hoogland

Dr Dominique Hoogland


Department of Chemistry
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07467 316415

Scarlet Wang

Dr Scarlet Wang

King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

organoid, developmental biology, Inner ear

Loughborough University

Andrew Capel

Dr Andrew Capel

Loughborough University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue Engineering, Microfluidics, Biomaterials, Microfabrication, Online Monitoring

Owen Davies

Dr Owen Davies

School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Loughborough University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Stem cell, Heterotopic ossification, Vesicles, Exosome, Mineralisation, Musculoskeletal

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Chun Hao Wong

Dr Chun Hao Wong

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom


Newcastle University

Johan Panek

Dr Johan Panek


Bioscience Institute
Newcastle University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07534 980476

Host pathogen interactions, Proteostasis, Autophagy

Santu Saha

Dr Santu Saha

Newton International Fellow

Newcastle University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07388 806051

Tumouroid co-culture model, Radiotherapy-induced complex immune signalling

Quadram Institute Bioscience

Dimitra Lamprinaki

Dr Dimitra Lamprinaki

Quadram Institute Bioscience
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07572 092309

Microbiology, Immunology

Tanja Suligoj

Dr Tanja Suligoj


Gut Microbes & Health
Quadram Institute Bioscience
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Queen Mary University London

Joanne Nolan

Dr Joanne Nolan

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07541 721212

Cancer, Metastasis, Cell biology

Queen Mary University of London

Shani Austin-Williams

Dr Shani Austin-Williams

Postdoctoral Research Scientist

Biochemical Pharmacology, William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Immunology, Inflammation, Extracellular Vesicles

Oliver Brookes

Dr Oliver Brookes


School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Stem Cells, Organoids, Organ on a Chip, Model Systems

Edward Carter

Dr Edward Carter

Barts Institute, Cancer Biology
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Breast Cancer, 3D Spheres, Stromal led invasion, Pancreatic Cancer

Burak Derkus

Dr. Burak Derkus

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Materials Science and Engineering
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07846 108470

Stem Cell, Organoid, Exosome, Organ-on-chip, Regenerative Medicine

Stefania Di Ciò

Dr Stefania Di Ciò


School of Engineering and Material Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

microfluidics, mechanotransduction, micro and nanofabrication, tissue regeneration, vascularisation, engineered surfaces

Jenny Gomm

Dr Jenny Gomm

Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Head of BCN Cell Bank Team

Barts Cancer Institute, Biology
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Primary cells, Normal breast, Breast cancer, Breast epithelial cells, Breast myoepithelial cells, 3D models

Tafhima Haider

Dr Tafhima Haider

Postdoctoral research associate

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Immunology, Undernutrition

Rosalind Hannen

Dr Rosalind Hannen

Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Skin culture, Keratinocytes

Hannah Heywood

Dr Hannah Heywood

Research Fellow

School of Engineering and Materials science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 5368

Circadian clock, cartilage, chondrocyte

Sheetal Inamdar

Dr Sheetal Inamdar

Institute of Bioengineering, School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07598 527504

Articular cartilage, Nanomechanics, Small angle x-ray diffraction, Tissue mechanics, Healthy ageing, Collagen mechanics

Wing-Yiu Jason Lee

Dr Wing-Yiu Jason Lee

Blizard Institute, Centre of Immunobiology
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Immunology, Infections, Virology, Innate immunity, Adaptive immunity

Mina Mincheva

Dr Mina Mincheva

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Barts Cancer Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

tumour microenvironment, tumour multi-cellular in vitro models, tumour associated macrophages, high-grade serous ovarian cancer

Khai Duong Quang Nguyen

Dr Khai Duong Quang Nguyen

KTP Postdoctoral Research Associate / Materials Formulation Scientist

FormFormForm Ltd
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Silicone chemistry, 3D Printing, Photorheology, Photochemistry, Composites

Silvia Oggero

Dr Silvia Oggero

Post Doctoral Research Assistant

William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07563 711734

Inflammation, Cardiovascular research, Immunology

Claire Pardieu

Dr Claire Pardieu

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Centre of Immunobiology (CIB), Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Gut Gamma Delta 1, VD1, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Chron's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Gut barrier

Cristina Perez-Ternero

Dr Cristina Perez-Ternero

William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Emanuel Rognoni

Dr Emanuel Rognoni

William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

skin fibroblasts, wound healing, UVB irradiation, Fibrosis, skin stem cells, 2D and 3D culture platforms

Yejiao Shi

Dr Yejiao Shi

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Supramolecular Self-assembly, Peptides, Drug Delivery System, Biomaterials, Antibacterial Peptides and Cell-penetrating Peptides, Hydrogels

Clare Thompson

Dr Clare Thompson


Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07595 313076

Cartilage, Chondrocyte, Cilia, Primary cilium, Mechanobiology

Liz Wood

Ms Liz Wood

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue Culture, Cardiovascular, Molecular Biology, Research, Human tissue, FACS/ELISA

Gehad Youssef

Dr Gehad Youssef


Blizard Instiute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07437 662927

Stem cell, Cancer, EMT, 3D invasion models, Machine learning

Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh

Soher Jayash

Dr. Soher Jayash

Core Scientist (Research fellow)

Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Royal Holloway, University of London

Jamuna Selvakumaran

Dr Jamuna Selvakumaran

Post Doctoral Fellow

School of Biological Sciences
Royal Holloway, University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Blood Brain Barrier model, 3D BBB, In vitro BBB, Drug delivery to CNS, human BBB, iPSC

Royal Veterinary College

Chavaunne Thorpe

Dr Chavaunne Thorpe

Research Fellow

Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Royal Veterinary College
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

tendon, musculoskeletal, ageing, injury, mechanobiology

Teesside University

Mayur Parekh

Dr Mayur Parekh

Research associate

Healthcare Innovation centre, School of health and life science
Teesside University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07498 038773

Biotechnology, microfluidics, bioprocess, sensors

The Francis Crick Institute

Berta Terre Torras

Dr Berta Terre Torras

The Francis Crick Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

neurodevelopment, brain evolution

The Institute of Cancer Research

Mahnaz Darvish

Dr Mahnaz Darvish

The Institute of Cancer Research
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07539 007347

3D culture, Patients model, Metastatic cancer, Cell Biology, miRNA

The Pirbright Institute

Priscilla Tng

Dr Priscilla Tng

The Pirbright Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

African Swine Fever virus, Vaccinology, Synthetic biology

The University College London and the Francis Crick Institute

Jayant Rane

Dr Jayant Rane

NIHR clinical lecturer

The University College London and the Francis Crick Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lung cancer, Cancer prevention, Cancer initiation, Tumour micro environment, Cancer evolution

The University of Edinburgh

Adrienne Assmus

Dr Adrienne Assmus

Post-doctoral researcher

Cardiovascular Sciences
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 7913 312783

Tissue engineering, Kidney, Bioprinting, Collecting duct

Andras Kufcsak

Dr Andras Kufcsak

Centre for Regenerative Medicine
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Optical coherence tomography

Sarah McGlasson

Dr Sarah McGlasson

The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Neuroinflammation, vascular dementia, endothelial cells, genetic engineering

Filippo Menolascina

Dr. Filippo Menolascina

Chancellor's Fellow

Institute for Bioengineering
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Control Engineering

Kate Sutton

Dr. Kate Sutton

Research Fellow

The Roslin Institute, Department of Infection and Immunity
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

immunology, avian, muscosal, intestine, lung

The University of Manchester

Waqar Ahmed

Dr Waqar Ahmed

Research Associate

Division of Infection, Immunity & Respiratory Medicine
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

metabolomics, respiratory, mass spectrometry, volatile organic compounds, infection, microbiology

Zubida Al-Majdoub

Dr Zubida Al-Majdoub

Research Associate

Division of Pharmacy and Optometry
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Blood Brain Barrier, Proteomic, Enzyme and Transporter, Abundance, PBPK

Igor Chernyavsky

Dr Igor Chernyavsky

School of Mathematics
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

transport, biomechanics, upscaling, human placenta, mathematical modelling, ex vivo perfusion

Rachel Eyre

Dr Rachel Eyre

Research Associate

Division of Cancer Sciences
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Breast cancer, Metastasis, Cancer Stem Cells, Metastatic Niche

Samuel Jones

Dr Samuel Jones

School of Materials
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Antivirals, Polymers, Nanomaterials, Sensing

Sam Moxon

Dr Sam Moxon


Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Neurodegeneration, Tissue Engineering, Cell Biology, Rheology, Biopolymers

Kerstin Schirrmann

Dr. Kerstin Schirrmann

Physics of Fluids and Soft Matter Group
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

microfluidics, capillary blood flow, multi-phase flow, on-chip pumps

Daniel Scotcher

Dr Daniel Scotcher

The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Kidney, Drug transport, Drug-drug interaction, PBPK modelling, Pharmacokinetics, Renal impairment

Teresa Tropea

Dr Teresa Tropea

Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre, School of Medical Sciences/Division of Developmental Biology & Medicine
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Pregnancy, Human placenta, Hypertension, Resistance artery, Vascular physiology

University College London

Joseph Forth

Dr. Joseph Forth

Ramsay Memorial Fellow

Department of Chemistry
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07801 171228

3D Printing, Blood-Brain Barrier, Vasculature, Nanomedicine, Image Analysis, FRESH

Alessandra Grillo

Dr Alessandra Grillo

Postoctoral Research Fellow

University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue Engineering, Collagen, Kidney in vitro model, Tubuloids

Veronica Hidalgo-Alvarez

Dr Veronica Hidalgo-Alvarez

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Faculty of Brain Sciences
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Mei Huang

Dr Mei Huang

Academic clinical lecturer

Periodontology Unit, Eastman dental institute
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07842 761799

biomaterials, stem cells, tissue engineering

Vignesh Jayarajan

Dr Vignesh Jayarajan

University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07903 133803

Skin biology

Dai Jiang

Dr Dai Jiang


Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microelectronics, Neural Interface, Electrical Impedance Tomography, Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy

Maelle Lorvellec

Dr Maelle Lorvellec

Research associate

Institut of Child Health/ Genetics and Genomics Medicine departement/Centre for Inborn Error of Metabolism
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Liver, iPSCs, hepatocytes differentiation, Bioreactor, Scaffold, Gene therapy

Swati Midha

Dr Swati Midha

Research Fellow

UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07501 700506

3D Bioprinting, Stem cells, biomaterials, animal surgeries, musculoskeletal research

John Readman

Dr John Readman

Research Associate

School of Life & Medical Sciences
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Hollow Fibre, Antimicrobial, Molecular Genetics, Antisense

Maja Sabalic

Dr Maja Sabalic

Academic Clinical Lecturer

Eastman Dental Institute
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Stem cells, Regenerative medicine, Dental

Keith Siew

Dr Keith Siew

Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Renal Medicine, Division of Medicine
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

renal physiology, electrolyte homeostasis, osmoregulation, monogenic syndromes of the kidney, microscopy, pharmacology

Joe Standing

Dr Joe Standing

University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

PKPD, Hollow fibre, antimicrobial, paediatrics

Maryam Tamaddon

Dr Maryam Tamaddon

University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07584 355639

Manish Tiwari

Dr Manish Tiwari

University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

High-resolution 3D printing, Microfluidics, Biosensors, Antibacterials treatments, Novel bioscaffolds, Nanoengineered surfaces

Caroline Weight

Dr Caroline Weight

University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Epithelial cells, Innate immunity, Streptococcus pneumoniae, host-pathogen interactions

University of Warwick

Adil Mustafa

Dr Adil Mustafa

Research Associate

School of Life Sciences
University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07404 359901

Microfabrication, Microfluidics, Organ on a Chip, Blood Rheology, Microfluidic Cell sorters, Fluorescence life time imaging

University of Aberdeen

Peng Liu

Dr Peng Liu

University of Aberdeen
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

University of Bath

Despina Moschou

Dr Despina Moschou

Prize Fellow

Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Bath
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07771 325933

Lab-on-Chip, Biosensors, Electrophysiology

University of Birmingham

Alexandra Iordachescu

Dr Alexandra Iordachescu

Research Fellow

Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0121 371 8545

Bone, Organotypic Culture, Biomaterials, Osteocytes, X-Ray imaging, Spectroscopy

Abdullah Khan

Dr Abdullah Khan

Henry Wellcome Fellow

Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07852 311295

haematopoeisis, bone marrow, organoid

Lu Luo

Dr Lu Luo

University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

organ on a chip, cell organoid

Amirpasha Moetazedian

Dr Amirpasha Moetazedian

Research Fellow

School of Dentistry
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Additive manufacturing, Biomaterials, High-resolution imaging, Hydrogels

Gowsihan Poologasundarampillai

Dr Gowsihan Poologasundarampillai

Birmingham Fellow

School of Dentistry
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0) 121 4665114

Biomaterials, Bioinks, tissue engineering, Bioimaging, Biofabrication, 3D printing

Pranav Vasanthi Bathrinarayanan

Dr Pranav Vasanthi Bathrinarayanan

Research Fellow

School of Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

In-vitro modelling, Organ-on-a-chip, Human airways, Tissue engineering, Biomaterials, Hydrogels

University of Bristol

Asme Boussahel

Dr Asme Boussahel

University of Bristol
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

in-vitro models, microfluidics, organ on a chip, subcutaneous tissue, drug absorption, bioavailability

Camilla Cerutti

Dr Camilla Cerutti

University of Bristol
University of Bristol
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

University of Cambridge

Viridiana Carmona Sosa

Dr. Viridiana Carmona Sosa

Postdoctoral Research Associate

The Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lung-on-a-chip, Optical tweezers, Hydrodynamics, Microfabrication

Konstantinos Kallitsis

Dr Konstantinos Kallitsis

University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07557 949811

Bioelectronics, 3D cell cultures

Chrysanthi-Maria Moysidou

Dr Chrysanthi-Maria Moysidou


University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Organ-on-a-chip, In vitro tissue engineering, Microbiome, Gut, Bioelectronics, Gut-Brain Axis

Charalampos Pitsalidis

Dr Charalampos Pitsalidis

Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Organ on a chip, Electrochemical transducers, Organic bioelectronics

Iwan Roberts

Dr Iwan Roberts

Research Associate

Clinical Neurosciences
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cochlear implants, Tissue Engineering, Neuroengineering

Antonio Ruiz-Gonzalez

Dr. Antonio Ruiz-Gonzalez

Research Associate

University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07460 220476

Biosensor, Low-cost devices, Thin films, Wearable devices, Ion-selective electrodes

University of East Anglia

Stefan Bidula

Dr Stefan Bidula

Senior Research Associate

Biological Sciences
University of East Anglia
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Immunology, Mycology, Microbiology, Drug discovery, Electrophysiology, Pharmacology

University of Edinburgh

Antonella Fidanza

Dr Antonella Fidanza

Senior Research Fellow

Centre for Regenerative Medicine
University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Blood development, Endothelial cells, Vessel on chip

David Hardman

Dr David Hardman

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Usher Institute
University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Muscle-on-chip, Microfluidics, CFD, Agent-based models, Optimisation

Soher Jayash

Dr Soher Jayash

Research Fellow

Roslin Institute
University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07840 239556

Bone biology, Tissue engineering, Biomaterials

University of Edinburgh, Institute of Bioengineering

Anabel Martinez Lyons

Dr Anabel Martinez Lyons

Research Associate

University of Edinburgh, Institute of Bioengineering
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Liver organ-on-chip, Hepatobiliary disease, Disease modelling, MASLD/MASH

University of Exeter

Dyan Ankrett

Dr Dyan Ankrett

Post-doctoral Research Scientist

College of Mecicine and Health
University of Exeter
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue and cell culturing, Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-chip, Mass spetrometry and chromatography, Drug metabolism

Charlie Jeynes

Dr Charlie Jeynes

Senior Research Fellow

Living Systems Institute
University of Exeter
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07880 499823

nanomedicine, modelling

Pablo Martinez Pancorbo

Dr Pablo Martinez Pancorbo


College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
University of Exeter
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Nanoparticles, Materials Science, Biophysics, Theranostics, Theoretical Physics, Human-on-a-chip

University of Glasgow

Hammed Badmos

Dr Hammed Badmos

University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Drug screening, Genetics screening, Cancer Biology, Cancer Medicine

Caroline Busch

Ms Caroline Busch

Research Associate

Paul O'Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Spheroids, 3D modelling, Cancer, MSCs, Microfluidics, Leukaemia

Julia Cordero

Dr Julia Cordero

Senior Research Fellow

University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Intestine, Stem cells, Regeneration, cancer, Drosophila, mouse

Hannah Donnelly

Dr Hannah Donnelly


Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

mesenchymal stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, mechanotransduction, cell migration, hydrogels

Shantimoy Kar

Dr. Shantimoy Kar

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Biomedical Engineering Division, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Organoids, Tissue Engineering

Penelope M. Tsimbouri

Dr Penelope M. Tsimbouri

University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Regenerative Medicine, MSC, Bone, Nanokicking

University of Hertfordshire

Nikolay Dimov

Dr Nikolay Dimov

Research Fellow in Biodetection

School of Engineering and Technology
University of Hertfordshire
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lab-on-a-Chip (LoC), Microfluidics, Biosensors development, Integration of analytics, Lab-on-a-Disc (LoaD), Microfabrication

University of Hull

Victoria Green

Dr Victoria Green


School of Life Sciences
University of Hull
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01482 461892

Cancer, Exosomes, Tumour Immunology

Alex Iles

Dr Alex Iles

University of Hull
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lab on chip, Continuous flow processing, Point of care diagnostics, Human on a chip

Isabel Pires

Dr Isabel Pires

Lecturer in Biomedical Science

Biomedical Sciences
University of Hull
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cancer, Hypoxia, Spheroids, Radiotherapy, Targeted therapies, DNA repair

University of Leeds

Mahetab Amer

Dr Mahetab Amer

University Academic Fellow (Group Leader)

University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue Engineering, 3D in vitro models, Cell-material interactions, Biomaterials

Matthew Bourn

Dr Matthew Bourn

Postgraduate Researcher

University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Colorectal Cancer, Vasculature on-chip, Spheroid

William Critchley

Dr William Critchley

Research Fellow

University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Endothelial cells, Angiogenesis, Ubiquitination, SUMOylation

Georg Feichtinger

Dr Georg Feichtinger

University Academic Fellow

School of Dentistry/Division of Oral Biology
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 113 343 5569




Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

BIOSENSORS, MATERIAL SCIENCE, STROKE SENSING, nanofabrication, Clinical investigation

Delanyo Kpeglo

Dr Delanyo Kpeglo

Postgraduate Research Fellow

Molecular and Nanoscale Physics Group
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Organ-on-a-chip, Microfluidics, Tumour mechanics, Tumour microenvironment, Mechanical and viscoelastic assessment, Drug delivery

Heiko Wurdak

Dr Heiko Wurdak

University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Functional biology, Stem Cells, Biology of heterogeneous tumors (i.e., brain tumors), Small molecule phenotyping, Chemical biology

University of Leicester

Michael Wilde

Dr Michael Wilde

University of Leicester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

metabolomics, lung disease, diagnostics, breath, mass spectrometry, biomarker

University of Liverpool

Shakir Atoyebi

Dr Shakir Atoyebi


University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

PBPK modelling, Pregnancy, Fetus, Placenta, Pharmacokinetics

University Of Liverpool

Shakir Adeyinka Atoyebi

Mr Shakir Adeyinka Atoyebi

Research Associate

University Of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07745 241160

Placenta -PBPK modelling

University of Liverpool

Manohar Koduri

Mr Manohar Koduri

Research associate

University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07404 294131

Microenvironment sensing, Biomaterials, Mesenchymal stem cells, bacterial surface interactions

Marie Yang

Dr Marie Yang

Research fellow

Institute of infection and global health
University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

University of Manchester

Hannah Harrison

Dr Hannah Harrison

University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Breast Cancer, Metastasis

Carlos Lopez-Garcia

Dr Carlos Lopez-Garcia

Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute
University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lung cancer, Tumour microenvironment, Immunology, Airways, Organoids

University of Nottingham

Jennifer Ashworth

Dr Jennifer Ashworth

Anne McLaren Fellow

Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cancer, 3D models, Tissue engineering, Image analysis, Materials science, Hydrogels

Mattea Finelli

Dr Mattea Finelli

Anne McLaren Fellow

Biodiscovery Institute
University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

neurodegenerative diseases, dementia, age-related diseases, neurons, astrocytes, stem-cell derived models

Leanne Fisher

Dr Leanne Fisher

Research Fellow

University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

TEER measurement, Gut-on-a-chip, Lung-on-a-chip, Gut microbiome, Respiratory microbiome, CaCo2 cell line

Damien Leech

Dr Damien Leech

University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Bioprinting, Microfluidics

Frankie Rawson

DR Frankie Rawson

Nottingham Senior Research Fellow

School of Pharmacy
University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07834 395685

Bioelectronics, Sensing

Jayasheelan Vaithilingam

Dr Jayasheelan Vaithilingam

Research Fellow

Centre for Additive Manufacturing
University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Drug Delivery, Bioengineering, Biomaterials, Bioelectronics

Matt Vassey

Dr Matt Vassey


Life Sciences
University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, immunology, bioengineering, 3D models, tissue models

University of Oxford

Aline Azabdaftari

Dr Aline Azabdaftari

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Inflammatory bowel disease, mucus barrier, goblet cell function, colon-on-a-chip

Paul Holloway

Dr Paul Holloway

Research Fellow

Radcliffe Department of Medicine
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0) 1865 222 049

Brain, Neurovascular Unit, Stroke, Organ on chip, Vascular, hypoxia

Helen Knowles

Dr Helen Knowles

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Osteoclast, Osteocyte, Osteoblast

Swati Midha

Dr Swati Midha

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

in vitro models, biofabrication, humanised models, biomaterials, musculoskeletal, stem cells

Jia-Ling Ruan

Dr Jia-Ling Ruan

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Radiation Oncology, Stem Cell Biology

Mootaz Salman

Dr Mootaz Salman

Group Leader and MRC Career Development Fellow

Medical Sciences Division, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Brain-on-a-chip, Neurodegeneration, Blood-brain barrier, Aquaporins, Microfluidics, Glia

Mark Thompson

Dr Mark Thompson

Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

mechanobiology, soft tissue, microstructure

Xiao Wan

Dr Xiao Wan

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of Oxford
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07563 265787

3D in vitro models

University of Reading

Sergej Filippov

Prof. Sergej Filippov

University of Reading
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

polymers, microfluidics, soft matter, physical chemistry

University of Sheffield

Robert Owen

Dr Robert Owen

EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow

Materials Science and Engineering
University of Sheffield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bone, Osteoporosis, Tissue engineering, Biomaterials, Additive manufacturing, Microfluidics

University of Strathclyde

K. H. Aaron Lau

Dr K. H. Aaron Lau

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
University of Strathclyde
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Biointerfaces, Peptoids, Peptide mimics, Polymers, Materials

Melania Montes

Dr Melania Montes

Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science
University of Strathclyde
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom


University of Surrey

Katrin Elidottir

Miss Katrin Elidottir

Research Scientist

University of Surrey
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07969 413290

Cartilage, Chondrocyte, Cardiomyocyte, Heart, Nanomaterials, CNTs

Priyanka Gupta

Dr Priyanka Gupta

Stag Hill,
University of Surrey
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07305 792536

3D in vitro models, Bioreactor, Animal free research, Tissue Engineering

Diane Lee

Dr Diane Lee

Research Fellow B

University of Surrey
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

tuberculosis, respiratory, asthma, bovine, equine, human

Guy Simpson

Dr Guy Simpson

Research Fellow Oncology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Surrey
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bladder, Oncology, Models, Viruses

University of Warwick

Hamidreza Arjmandi

Dr. Hamidreza Arjmandi

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Molecular communications

Ahmed Eissa

Dr Ahmed Eissa

Senior Research Fellow

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomedical Polymer Materials, Biocompatible and Biodegradable Polymers, Porous Polymers, Bioactive Polymers / Hydrogels, In vitro tissue models, Organ-on-a-chip

Mert Gulcur

Dr Mert Gulcur

Lead Engineer

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, organ-on-a-chip, manufacturing, injection moulding, rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing

Kathryn Murray

Ms Kathryn Murray

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
024 7652 3523

Cryobiology, Polymers, Materials, Cell culture, Cryopreservation

Adil Mustafa

Dr Adil Mustafa

Research Associate

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07404 359901

Microfluidic devices for modelling Organ on Chip, Metabolism, Non small lung cancer

Rui Rodrigues

Dr Rui Rodrigues

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Rapid prototyping, Synthetic Biology, Electronics, Programming

Zoe Schofield

Dr Zoe Schofield


School of Life Sciences
University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Blood Flow, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Thrombosis, Veins, In vitro modelling, I