Dr Mamunur Rashid

Mamunur Rashid

Postdoc Fellow

School of Pharmacy, Rinker Health Science Campus
Chapman University
LocationUnited States


Research Interests

Liver cirrhosis, Mass spectrometry, Enzyme kinetics, in vitro metabolism, Cytichrome p450 enzyme catalysis

The organ-on-a-chip (OOAC) is an emerging technologies at recent era and refers to a physiological organ biomimetic system built on a microfluidic chip. In this technology there is a combination of engineering, biomaterial and cell biology technology is needed. The microenvironment of the chip reflect that of the organ in terms of tissue interfaces and mechanical stimulation and characteristics of human tissue and can predict response to an array of stimuli including drug responses and environmental effects. OOAC has extensive applications in precision medicine and biological defense strategies for drug development, and toxicology from the perspective of different organs. I would like to learn about this technology for developing my expertise in this technology.