Prof Martin Knight

Professor of Mechanobiology
Network Co-Director & Chair of Funding Prioritisation Panel
Queen Mary University of London

Research Interests
Primary cilia, Mechanosignalling, Emulate, Atherosclerosis, Osteoarthritis, Cancer
I work on the development and use of organ-on-a-chip devices particularly those incorporating physiological or pathological mechanical stimuli. I have a particular interest in musculoskeletal, vascular and cancer models and the use of these to examine fundamental cell signalling. I am currently using organ-on-a-chip models to understanding the fundamental interaction between primary cilia, inflammation and mechanical stimuli in various conditions including osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis and cancer.
I am the director of the Queen Mary+Emulate Organs-on-chips Centre ( which provides open access to Emulate's organ-chip platform with full support from our Centre Scientist. Please visit the website to find out more on how to access this facility or obtain letters of support.
I am also the co-director of the Queen Mary Centre for Predictive in vitro Models ( and this UK Organ-on-a-chip Technologies Network
Collaboration Interests
I welcome both academic and industrial collaboration in a wider variety of research areas related to the development and use of organ-chip technology. This includes collaborative research based at the Queen Mary+Emulate Organs-on-chips Centre which is open to members of the network.
We currently have match funding opportunities for companies able to part support an organ-chip related PhD studentship within our mini centre for doctoral training (CDT). Please contact me for more information and visit our CDT web page:
I am happy for individuals outside my research group (particularly early career researchers) to present at one of my (online) group meetings – please contact me if you are interested.