
Network welcomes early career researcher advisors

7 September 2020

ECR advisors - top left clockwise: Paul Holloway (chair), Chloe Whitehouse,  Luana Osório and Matthew Hockley
ECR advisors - top left clockwise: Paul Holloway (chair), Chloe Whitehouse, Luana Osório and Matthew Hockley

Following June's call for early career researchers interested in forming our new ECR advisory group within the OOACT Network – we are delighted to announce the following four members:

Paul Holloway – University of Oxford (chair), Chloe Whitehouse – University of Nottingham, Matthew Hockley – University of Kent and Luana Osório – Brunel University.

Hazel Screen, network director, is very keen to support Paul, Chloe, Matthew and Luana in their new role: 'The ECR advisory group is an excellent opportunity for early career researchers to help improve how the network supports its young researchers, as well as providing them with a "voice" at leadership level – helping develop the future leaders in the field.

'It's also good to welcome Paul Holloway as the chair. Paul has a great track record in public engagement. He's already designed the network's fantastic organ-on-a-chip shop which was a big hit at Science Museum Lates earlier in the year.'

The group will be working on the following areas:

  • Social media - creating and sharing organs-on-chips content and increasing effective social networking
  • ECR training – mapping out requirements and identifying best ways to deliver training
  • Public engagement – developing and delivering future activities that are fun and informative for public audiences
  • Inform/support development of network's communication plan

The group has already started identifying areas where they can begin making a difference. Paul Holloway: 'It's been great to meet the team – we are all very excited to be able to support and provide new opportunities for the network's early career researchers. We will keep members informed of our progress through the network's website and newsletter. It's essential that we have input from the wider ECR community in the network - so we'll definitely be seeking their contributions as the group develops!'

In the meantime, if you have any questions about the ECR advisory group – please email:

The network is part of a major new Research Councils UK (RCUK) venture called Technology Touching Life [1] involving joint research council funding, which aims to foster interdisciplinary research into innovative technology in the health and life sciences.

If you are interested to find out more about the network, please visit our website

Updated by: Julia Coffey