Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies Network:

Funding Sandpit e-Event 

Working together towards major grant proposals

29 September, 30 September and 1 October 2020

External facilitator: Rebecca Steliaros, Research in Focus

The purpose of this event is to support and encourage participants to work together towards developing major grant proposals on vital OOAC research.  Our Network’s final funding round will provide opportunities to apply for pump-prime funding – helping to increase the success of securing major grant funds (> £1 million).

 We received a very high number of applications for our planned April event and were ready to send out place offers when the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Since then, we have been busy preparing to run this event online and have now emailed applicants of place offers. If you have received a place offer, please confirm asap.  Any available places can then be offered to another applicant.